Sunday 26 February 2012

The LDr. Seuss - The Lorax (2012)

I just found out the other day that one of my beloved stories from my childhood has been made into a brand new movie – The Lorax.
My husband thinks The Lorax is a very depressing movie. In a way it is. But I like to think that there is hope to be found in the movie too.
If you are unfamiliar with the story, The Lorax is a story by Dr. Seuss. It was published in 1971 and later made into the movie. The story reflects just how much industry effects our environment.
The story goes that a man (the “Once-ler”) arrives in the beautiful forest. He falls in love with the Truffula Trees.

 He soon realizes that he can do a lot wit the trees like build with them and use their “tuffs” of fluff on top to knit into sweaters. So he builds a factory and cuts down the Truffula trees to use their fluff to make the sweaters, called a Thneed.

Living in the forest is a creature named the Lorax. The Lorax feels that it’s his place to speak for the creatures of the forest and the trees because they are unable to speak for themselves. He tries to reason with the Once-ler and make his realize he is destroying their home, but he doesn’t care. As time goes on the once happy and healthy creatures of the forest are forced to leave.
In the end the Lorax gives up hope and leaves, but not without leaving the Once-ler a message that simply said “Unless”.
We learn at the end of the story that the Once-ler has one single seed, the only seed left of the Truffula Trees. He gives the seed to a young boy in hopes he can plant it and rebuild the forest.
Yes, I admit it’s a depressing story. But it’s also a story that teaches a lesson – that we must care for the trees, land and all of Earth’s creatures or else we will destroy everything and be left with nothing.

 Watch Trailer!

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